Wednesday 18 November 2015



In this world, each person must have a dream. Dreams that are really want to become real. Dream to have a better life and improve the future. Giving the happiness the people we love. So the people we love can feel proud of us. But, for all it's worth, it is not an easy thing to make it happen. Sometimes the ways to through is like a steep and difficult to pass. Even tears certainly also be a faithful companion present to treat any grief, sorrow, and the disappointment as well. The most painful and frustrating is when we are faced with a choice that did not want us to select none. When we chose it feels like there is a big hammer that hit the chest that make it hard to breathe. Like the unconscious to the decision that we choose, wanna change but we can’t, because we have chosen. All the painful choice, whatever the chosen will remain painful for us, but we might not be selfish and only think about ourselves. That's why I chose that option actually I do not want to choose, but I am sure it is the best option to be chosen. This is my story, my choices ... I'm with all my heart chose not to be selfish and think only about me ... This is me and my story ... I'll never forget this story whole of my life.
(9 years ago, 2006)
“Irina!” someone, the girls in her school uniform called me.
“Hi Lisa!” I greet her back and we walk together.
“What will you do after high school?” she asked me.
“I will move to Jakarta.”
“Alone? How about your mother and your brother?” the curiosity was happening.
“We all will be moved.” I said
“Wow ... what would you do there? Studying? Or working?” Lisa asked me again
“I want to do both.” I answered her questions simply
“Do you have family there?”
“Yes, why?”
“Then you will easily there, you can get a job easily because certainly there are people who will help you." She just delivered het thought but I dislike it.
Listen to Lisa’s statement made me ​​smirked and asked. “Are you always like that? Are you just relying on someone else? I know how my family lives there, they were all busy with their own business and they would not have time just to find me a job.”
“Sorry, I just think that having someone we already know at least it's easier than do not have people we know there.” Lisa explained
Now, I smile more sincerely. “It’s okay, what did you say is true as well. Some people think the same way as you”
“By the way, when you were a child, you also live there, right?” Lisa asked me again and again. Actually she is my best friend in Senior High School, but she little bit fussy, but no hard feeling between us, just be honest, and enjoy our friendship.
“Yes, as you know, but not too long. Only two years.”
“You definitely cannot wait to go there again, right.”
“Yes, you know me well. I cannot wait any longer.”
“I will miss you, my friend.” she hugged me.
“I will miss you too, but don’t hug me, please. I don’t want people will misunderstanding about us.”
My mom’s cell phone rang. My mom got called from my aunt in Pontianak. At that time I still did not have my own mobile phone. I answered the call.
“Have you arrived in Jakarta?”My aunt asks me
“Yes we are, if not how I answer the call.”I answered and tried to make a joke though it’s not funny as well.
“You're fine, right?” My aunt asked me again.
“Yes we are fine.” I know that my aunt must be very much worry about us at that time.
“Keep yourself well, take care of your health, if there is anything you need or just call me, you can tell me anything.” My lovely aunt keep fussy anytime anywhere even on the phone.
“Alright, don’t too worry, we’re fine here. We’ll call you later, bye.” I immediately hang up the phone before my aunt speaks even longer. I know in my hometown, Pontianak, my aunt will always help me but at that time was a different situation and we had so far the distance. The distance between us and the place where my aunt lived very far away, separated by the sea which can only be reached by a plane or a big ship.
Next day was my first day in college and also modelling school. I studied at the Academy of Tourism Jakarta International Hotel where located in the Sudirman area. Moreover after college I followed a modelling school in at Jalan Gatot Subroto. In both places I was well received, and they were, my new friends, it was very easy to recognize me, from my accent of Malay and they said that I have a unique face. Even they thought I was so funny, whether because of my accent or the way I dress. My style look old-fashioned for them and they were very fashionable.
Our days were very simplicity life. Staying in a rented house with two rooms that quite nice with porcelain floors. However, our finances from the sale of our house in Pontianak dwindling. I didn’t get a part time job yet and my mom has not found a job too, while my brother who lacking in terms of reading and writing can only keep the home for me and my mother when we were not at home. My mother always took me to the campus and picked me up then. After that from college my mom drove me to the modelling school and waiting me until the session was complete.
I began to feel an imbalance in my life. Imbalance between reality and the dream that I wanna be, but my mother always strengthen me to endure and convinced me that I could achieve my dreams.
One day, everything we have done seems to be in vain. Who could resist if God gives a warning in life? Even at that time we had to prepare for that, but who would have thought if that happened beyond what is expected. Our rented house that didn’t too high was sinking and invisible, even the highest part of the roof of the house was already gone.
Initially, the embankment to retaining the rain that shipment from Bogor was just cracked and surrounding communities have started to worry that it will become more severe. Finally, the embankment cannot retaining the rainwater that shipment from Bogor so suddenly collapsed and instantaneous water like a tsunami and hit our house. We have taken refuge in a neighbour's house that has a place higher than our home. We just able to see the house that we lived it was gone, any goods can no longer be saved unless the items that have previously been saved since the furore about the cracks - cracks in the dike.
Three nights four days we occupy the upper level of our neighbour's house. Dark, there was no electricity. Only when accompanied by candles at night, it was also our subs just survive by eating instant noodles. Food brought by rescuer team did not even get into our hands, because of the distance we were indeed very difficult to reach. Even if the food was up to us, unfortunately, the food was stale and inedible.
Guilt began to infiltrate my heart. I wish I did not have the desire to become an actress, so we would not be like in the difficult situation. Since then, I realized many things. Dreaming is painful, because the reality is even more painful. I originally wished her happy, my mom, and make her proud of me. In fact I was the one who becomes a source of suffering for her. I have destroyed the life she built painstakingly. My mother had to lose the house that she built with gathered money little by little with all her labor. At that moment I realized ...          I am who made ​​her suffer.
Not finished until there, after 3 days the water started to recede but the mud remains very high, we tried to walk through the mud with energy left to look for items that if it is still worth to be saved. My mother is very strong to survive for the sake of me and my brother soon found a new place for us.
After getting a new rented house, I will plan to go to college again. Amid the rain that still has not dry, my mom and I headed to the campus used bike belonged to my mother. She looked very concerned with how I was doing. My mother knew that if I just tried to strengthen myself. Finally she decided to go back home and not drove me to the campus. Arriving home my body is getting weaker droop. Between conscious and not, I saw my mother, she panics even to cry. She was very afraid of something happening to me, but to go to the hospital was not possible, because we do not have enough money. My mother made ​​various efforts as much as possible for me, even my mother also tried to ask the neighbours if there are the doctors around near where we live. The neighbour was telling my mom that there was a doctor, woman doctor, who lived in nearby our stay, and advised my mother to take me to the doctor.
My mother took me to the doctor immediately. My mother who is skinny but has tremendous power may be able to carry me, but I felt that I was able to strengthen myself to walk. I do not want to bother my mom, I'll do what I can do because I've had so much to make her suffer .
Although staggered and very slow but I'm still trying to run as hard as my strength to restraints by my mother. In front of the doctor I said all that I feel in my body. But the doctor's words were at least quite a relief.
She said, "There's nothing, really, it's just your heartburn already acute, if allowed to continue and not brought here, maybe you could go to the hospital. Do not eat instant noodles a lot, okay? It's not good for you.” In my mind, if I didn’t eat those instant noodles, maybe I can die because of famine in three days of that tragedy.
“It’s because we do not get the food supply when flood tragedy so there was no food, just there was the instant noodles, so for three days we only eat the instant noodles, even the rescuer team difficult to reach the place where we wrere stay." My mother started telling bad experience recently our experienced.
After taking medicine from doctor, my health began to improve, but the problem seemed without stop. Maybe because it was too tired and had to survive on the verge of his limits. My mother fell ill. I'm freaking awesome. My world, my dreams, my wishes as any all collapsed, lost, no longer I thought. All I wanted was just one, I want my mother recovered. With all my limitations, my fears, I took care of my mother's inability under the guidance of my mother. Sometimes I ask, "What part of the sick, mom? Show me, where? Let me help you"
"No, I already feel better anyway. You, just take a rest, you're also in recovery." She said. I know my mother must have felt ill and felt that her body too weakened. Perhaps her power is exhausted, tired, over what has happened to us.
In between taking care of my mother, I was only able to dissolve in tears and prayed to God to heal her. I was really scared. Tremendous fear that I never felt before. I was so afraid. I understand what my mother felt when I was sick at the time. Perhaps what was felt by my mother over than what I feel, but I'm sure my mother is more powerful and strong than me. I was really scared. In this capital of country, I don’t have the closest family, nobody’s here. No one. I was getting scared. Only the extremely fearless that I felt. I cried badly, even I find it hard to breathe because of crying. I cried silently, because I do not want my mother to hear me cry. I do not want to make her worry and most importantly I do not want to burden her anymore. I wish my mother a speedy recovery. After the sufferings I had created for my mother I feel if something happens to me my mother would be fine, but if on the contrary, it cannot be imagined. So I'm also going to die at that time.
But God is Most Great and my mother's was tough, the next day my mom situation gradually improved. Millions of gratitude I prayed, I really cannot say anything. In my heart, feel the true happiness beyond measured, cannot be expressed in words.
The next day, while relaxing, suddenly slid the words of my mouth that makes her stunned. I said, "Mom, I want to return to Pontianak." Without thinking my words too long, my mother agreed, "Well, if you feel better that way." Maybe because it was my mother was worried about my health that I actually have not recovered 100%. I also promised my mother that I would work hard, no need to think about college at that time.
And finally we return. We stayed at my aunt's house that had always helped me. He is the sister of my mother. Even though she's one of the kin, it does not necessarily make us feel comfortable to live aboard to stay with her. I even blamed myself for what happened to the people around me. I often write in my favourite diary. I wrote what I feel, what cannot be expressed, including feelings of guilt for what happened on us. It shocked me most was when I discovered that the diary which I had was often painted by someone, my mother. My mother wrote "YOU’RE THE ONE WHO MADE US SUFFER”. At that time, the moment seemed to freeze, to stop, I know it were correct, even I know if all of this is indeed because of me, but I still cannot believe why when the words were issued by my own mother feels like as I have given a sharp sword to the person I love to poke me, but I do not believe that she would actually thrust. Finally my mother feeling that she had actually put out, so far she has been to contain his feelings, she may really struck me after finding my diary. Since that time I felt there was nothing else will protect me. My tears would not be stopped. My mother continued to show his disappointment to me. I can accept and understand all of it with nothing to do but pray to the Lord.
At that time I also worked at the largest mall in the city of Pontianak, despite only being a beauty advisor. There I met many new people from all walks of life. Including one of the manager that known to be quite good, but not good enough in my eyes. One day I was really angry at him even so sick and tired cannot vent anger at the manager, I could just cry.
"What happened Rin? Why? You really do not like Mr.Armand, he is still quite young, had a good career, rich man, and he was also deeply religious, very good man." said Tia, one of my friends at work.
"What? Good? Someone can we judge as a good man if he was brave, not a loser."
“What do you mean?” Tia felt curious.
“My aunt told me, yesterday he came to my house and met my mother. During this time he was curious where I live because I do not ever give anyone know where I live. But since I held the little party and he came too, so he knew where I lived, but I not have thought when he came again to m aunt’s house. That is why I do not like him, he came when I wasn’t at home, even though he knew I was on duty.” I said.
“Maybe he tried to take your mother’s heart so he can steal your heart and people say if you want her girl you need to approach her mother.” Tia said.
I laughed when I heard Tia’s words. "Hehe ... but it's not applicable to me, even though my mom really likes him, but I'll never like him. And especially after such a manner"
“Don’t be like that, how if you who chased him later?” Tia starts to scary me.
“Tia, I've been through the most difficult and painful way, because of that I know how it should determine the path of my life, no one else is doing this, but me, only me. So whatever it is my decision, I will be responsible for it. And one more thing, I'm not one to be tempted by another man's treasure, I'd rather try and fight to get what I want with the results of my labor alone." I explained to Tia and she got surprised.
“Wow, I like your style, keep Fighting then.”Tia supports my choice, my words. I just smiled at Tia when she showed her admiration.
Day by day, I am aware that being an adult is not easy, but I also realize that maturity is not measured by age, but how do we deal with something, struggling for life and responsible for the choices we make in order to create the happiness. But sometimes it is not our own happiness makes us happy, sometimes we want to make others happy, regardless of our own hearts and feelings. Are we happy? At least we have the smile that we got from people that we make them be happy, it is like a little bit of fresh air for us to breathe.
I know, life is a struggle that will never stop until we die. Therefore, after a year I became a beauty advisor in Pontianak, I decided to arrange my move to Jakarta, became a beauty advisor in Jakarta. Finally, I, and my mother decided that we would go back to Jakarta. Never stop to struggle and keep trying. It’s my life, my choice, at that time, our choice.
I, we arrived in this town again, but this time there are some differences. I no longer come to college but this time to continue my work as a beauty advisor. My mom and I also rented a house close to where I work, it is small but it is enough for me, my mother and my brother.
Being a new employee in a new place, I got new friends. I think they were friendly enough. Unfortunately, my partner was gay. It's my first time made friends with a gay. I have no problem with it. I just focus on what I want to do and did not think much about the things that are not important to me. This new place, though I tried to focus on things that are important only to me, there is still a role of antagonist that is always trying to make me cry. This time one of the famous supervisor likes to torture people, Mrs. Sri, she made me cry for no apparent reason. When it turned out there was an inspection of the regional manager of Greater Jakarta, and he saw me crying. He came up to me, and I met him, his name Mr.Yoseph. He was a good man. Since then, strange gossip-gossip began to circulate, but I do not care. I'm Irina, I just focus on what I should pursue, but it does not mean I'm ignoring the existing circumstances. I just do not want to care about the things that make me more stress. Even when I was selected as one of the winners in the selection of the best employees, I do not think much about the gossip-gossip about growing increasingly wild.
When in an interview when selecting the best employees, I just answered as best as I can, what I can, and all of it honestly and sincerely I do. At that time the most important thing is not to be the winner, but the most important is what I get then. An advice that I will remember forever, Mr. Yoseph said to me... "Being successful is not easy, and when we succeed, 99 % of people do not like it, but keep your spirit on the way that you choose." those words were very meaningful to me, not the most precious gift of this competition, those words is the greatest gift which is always I remembered whenever .
After a year I worked as a beauty advisor, I began start to be brave back to follow the audition of modelling show in a tabloid. Just at that time I only reached the stage of semi- finalists, but it was one of the first steps into the world a new, world entertainment. When my time was free and was getting a turn off, so I'm going to try my lucky in the entertainment world to come to various production houses for entering my data and do direct casting if it were open casting session on that day.
Since that time I also met with many agencies and from them I got various casting info for advertising and others. Quite often I also get information from TV, magazines or tabloids. Even before I had a chance to audition Miss Celebrity in one of the TV station, I even asked for an interview with one of the well-known infotainment. I love it. When my friends at work asked, if it was me? I simply replied... " Aahhh , it 's just the resemble of my face, she’s not me."
"Are you sure?" the employers that asked me look like do not believe in me.
“Ho oh, it seems the real you, I watched it that show on TV.” One of them preety sure if that person was me.
Actually, I'm glad to hear that they watched and realized it was me , but I was too embarrassed to show them one of my goals coming into this capital city, not just because of my job, but in fact, I want to continue my dream deferred. My mom wants me to continue my dream. However, this time is also not enough to be better than yesterday.
The first time I escaped casting and in calling for the shooting, I did a mistake. I should not have decided to stop working. I know it is my fault, and it is present always regret at the behind. Since that time my new world begins. The world I dreamed, a job that I think easy to do, but not in reality. I really started all from scratch. Bids for shooting start often arrive, but it was not sufficient for finance for our lives.
My mother is always with me wherever I keep shooting and my brother home. The income that I get from my new job is not worth as the salary for being a beauty advisor, but I have always thought that this difficulty is a struggle to achieve success. I always think like that, just it the thing that I thought, maybe even I almost closed my eyes from the circumstances around me.
For a year I fought in the entertainment world. I follow any casting, but the results did not like what I was expecting. My mom and I took a bus down anywhere, ride motorcycles what we called “OJEK” or we used BAJAJ, all of public transport in the capital was used to take a trip. I accept all bids shooting so I can get revenue for our needs, for our life. I already do not care anymore it's a role or just a walk-on role that is just passing through. I'm getting stuck in a situation and options.
Needs of our lives, the cost of the trip even made me more frustrated. And the culmination of all the frustration that made ​​me do a big decision, the decision that I never imagined before.
At that time, my brother had sent home to Pontianak. My brother who has been protested and always looked fine was also frustrated with our condition, because of that, my mother sent him back to Pontianak. From that time there lived two of us, me and my mother.
A variety of circumstances we've been through, we've experienced a variety of flavours, sadness, joy, disappointment and we share those feelings. Anger, tears and laughter after another but the third thing I mentioned, there is not quite often present among us, which is most often present only anger and tears, especially after my brother was not with us. The last feelings of guilt are back, it wound back gaping and getting worse. My mother must have felt lonely and guilty for sending my brother back to Pontianak.
My mother is almost never parted with my brother. Unlike me , I've been living separately with my mother, as a child when my parents divorced for a few months I lived with my father without my mother, until she came back and took me to live with her. When I graduated from elementary school, I lived in a dorm for six years until I was in senior high school. So I am quite used to own, but more mature, my mother even more protect me. But it's a long story, not the story I want to tell in detail on this story.
This story has no end of happy or wonderful but for forever I'll never forget in my life. After trying a hundred times casting including casting of ads, for the first time I made ​​it through the casting and getting a bid advertisement. I vividly recall, at the time I made ​​it through a casting fast food products from Japan. Maybe because my face is very oriental, that's why I got it away. But it was not any part of this most important of all.
The most important and memorable was when my mom was mad at me and told me that I was the source of his suffering. If the first time my mother still writes it down in my diary, this time my mom immediately said with her own mouth. I, again, like being stabbed by his own mother with a sword wound right in the first, previous injuries, which sometimes still hurt and sore, but this time it was punctured again at the same place, this time even my own mother did it right in front of my eyes, before me. I, do not know what I think, when it all seemed dark and empty. I could not cry at the time, while in front, really cannot. I kept ringing her words... forever.
"If not for your ambition is, I'm not going to be like this. In my life, I have to hard work, but I never do not eat. But this time you're making me like this. If in Pontianak I definitely would not like this." Her words like a sword for me that killing me.
Since those words from the lips of my mother, I've decided one big thing. Things I never thought I'd do, I never thought this way eventually.
When my fee from commercials of fast food products from Japan ad it out. I ask my mother, "Mom, so do you really want to go home?"
"Up to you." My mother is like reversing the decision to me. I know actually my mom really wanted back to Pontianak, but she might try not to be selfish, and think about me as well, she may also wish to think about me. I also tried to understand as possible when my mother was angry and hungry, because we do not have any money, no food supplies, and most make my mother angry and embarrassed because I asked my aunt's aid in Pontianak to transmit me a bit money.
But because of the words that have been out of her lips that has really stuck in my heart and in my mind, I too have decided a major case.
"Mom, what do you want actually, just tell me, I’ll be okay. If you want to go home so we’ll go home. Yesterday you want to go home, right?. Then it's decided. We return to Pontianak, tomorrow we take care of everything and buy the tickets to go home."
I've done it. The first time, I decided a big decision in my life. The first time, I stand firm to my mother. In my heart I truly apologize to my mother, my heart also ... I actually cried.
That day I threw all my pride, selfishness, desire, ambition, I left something very big for me. I left my dreams. Dreams of become an actress and the professional entertainer. I do not want to be a selfish. I wanna be bad daughter who only think about only myself. Since then I closed my book, and I said this is the end of my story, my dream. For me, dream isn’t a dream, when the dream just made the people we love suffer in their life. What I feel will always be a secret in my heart. I just spoke to my heart. And only my heart and God that only knows what I feel. Only God and my heart also knows that if I say ... "Mom, I'm so sorry, if I make you suffer, I promise after this, I'll just make you smile, I will strive for it, whatever you want me to do, surely I will do my best. Mom, I believe God is just and wise. From now on, I only want to be a good daughter who can make you proud of me. I believe God has a plan that is more beautiful to me. Mom, maybe you hate me but I love you and love you more than anything. Someday, I’ll make you happy and remember me as your little daughter, because I’m Irina”

The End

Based on True Story of the Author

Ig: rinaranmouri

Script Drama PHANTOM

The Phantom

#edited 5 members




I've never seen a place so completely empty.


We have deal to bring our own provisions.


Provisions for the climb, not food to keep you from starving to death.


We were told conditions would be primitive. It's part of the appeal, isn't it?


Yes, yes, I've seen the same literature on the trip, but I haven't memorized it like you have.


I just believe in being prepared, that's all.


Well, if you're so prepared, I bet you packed extra provisions.


And what if I have?


Then give me a grain bar or meat stick.




Why not?


I don't like you, that's why not.


You're all right, kid.


We finally have our stray team member.


I'm sorry I'm late. Have you had to wait long?


Only all morning.


It hasn't been all morning. More like an hour. Before we begin our climb today up Peak 4, it's important you know a few things about this wondrous chasms called Crystall Chasms.


Oh, good. We've all had to attend astrogeology class in school, Scout. We don't need a course now.


Oh, Okay. I believe you must appreciate and respect the mountain before you climb it.


All right, but how about cutting out all of the technical mumbo jumbo? It is solid crystalline matter.


Ryan, is this your first climb on Crystal Chasm?


Yeah. I didn't know everyone here had been on this trip before. Maybe I should stay behind. I'd probably slow you up.


Smart kid. You stay here. We'll be back before nightfall.


Stop issuing commands. You're not the team leader here; I am.


He'll be lucky if he just breaks his neck and dies. Then he won't have to face—that other thing.


What other thing?


You don't know?


What's he talking about?


Nothing. He's being a pain in the neck, that's all. Don't pay any attention to her, Ryan.


Must be something, if she’s protesting so much.


What something?


The monster.




Uhhuh. Go ahead. It's just a story told over a warm fire with a mug of hot coffee in your hand. But it's amazing how the story persists and grows.


Get out of here.


That's right, don't believe me, but when you do fall, don't expect us to rush down and save you.


Come on, we're losing daylight.


No, no, no. Tell ol' Ryan here what you found. Come on.


You're a sadist, Jennings.


Yeah, Tell him about Zelo. Tell him, Lauren, or I will.


Zelo is Leon’s friend and also… Zelo is… my boyfriend. Zelo fell off Peak 4 near the base. The side we climb up is called the Lansing Slip, and there's a narrow chasm that follows alongside it. The opening is not especially deep. If you fell in it, you'd have a good chance of surviving. Zelo lost his footing there and plummeted down.

He was able to call back up to us and tell us he thought his leg might be broken, but that's all we heard, so we started down after him. When we were about halfway, Zelo started crying for help—that something was after him. He was yelling and kind of babbling, panickylike. All we could make out were the words ''trying to kill me.''






And the word "PHANTOM." (pause) But that doesn't mean anything. I'm sure he was delirious. I suspect his injuries were more severe than he had thought.

When we got down there, all we found was his backpack. We searched all night and all the next day, but couldn't find any traces of Zelo or anyone else. But, It's just a story. I've climbed this mountain seven times, and I've never heard or seen this Phantom.


What makes you think I'd believe all of this?


That's right, Don't believe me. But tonight, Ryan, when you're safe and snug back in your own little bed, if you happen to hear a noise, don't be surprised to find the Phantom hovering over you.



You're not funny, Jennings.


Oh, he's a little funny. Come on. Let's go before the Phantom shows up here.


This is Peak 4. It's a relatively simple climb, but most think it's the prettiest climb on the planet.


Yep, it's the bunny hill.


Leon, do you think you might cut out the smart remarks for a little while?


Gosh, I don't think I can.


Stay close to me, Ryan. I'll show you the places to step as we go up this cluster.




Would you like me to leave you two alone?



Shut up, Leon. You take up the rear.


Aye, aye, Captain. Finally we're getting this show on the road.




They're up top again. Almost every day now there's someone climbing around up there. Apparently these mountains have become very popular.

Aaauuhhh! I must do something about these interlopers! I must liberate this chasm from these unwelcome visitors.

But how?

The blackness of night. They do not come when the sun sleeps. I will blacken the skies, and they will be gone.

My powers are great indeed, but not powerful enough to make the sun disappear.

Ok, I will take the clouds overhead and stir them around until their thickness blocks out the rays of the sun and darkness will cover the mountain. Unable to see their way, the climbers will have to retreat back down the mountain.

Mighty power of the crystals, make the sun no more today. Take the power from these walls and reach upward. Climb high into the sky and touch the clouds..

Clouds above, swallow the sun and hide its light from our eyes. Make the day night that darkness may reign once more!




Is he dead?  No. It will only be a matter of time.


Holy—what is this? Who are you?


More to the point, who are you? You're trespassing down here.


Help me.


Are you in much pain?


I just fell off a mountain—what do you think?


Can you move?


No. It feels like both my legs are broken, and my neck is killing me. I need help!


Your agony is of little concern to me.


Are you just going to stand there and watch me die?


I have considered the possibility.


What kind of heartless, faceless witch are you?


Witch, am I?


Sister, what are you doing?


Relieving him of his pain.


You're killing him!


He's intruding.


He's hurt. Leave him alone.


Who are you to tell me what to do?


I am the same blood as your blood, and I'm asking you to spare this man.



Be careful, Passell. Be careful of what you say to your sister—of how you speak to this sister.


No, don't—please!


Calm yourself. I mean you no harm.


You're not the other one . . . . Who are— the pain!


I can take the pain away.


Then do it—do something—anything!


Gladly, but there are conditions.


What? You want to bargain with me now?


If I relieve the pain and heal your injuries, you must stay down here with me.


Stay down here? But I don't know you, and I have no idea what you even look like.


Is my appearance so important to you, even at a time like this?


All right! Just stop the pain.


Do you promise to stay with me?


Yes, I promise!






We have to do something.



Do what? He's gone, just like Zelo.


There's a chance that he's still alive. We'll go back up at first light. There's nothing we can do for him tonight. All we can pray for is that he's mobile enough to get to his backpack. If he can get to his survival kit, there's a good chance we'll find him alive in the morning.


We? What's this we business?


We'll need your help to lift him up and out.


Well, isn't that too bad.


What's the matter, Jennings, afraid of running into the Phantom?


You just better be ready, but I tell you, the only thing we're going to find is a body of that boy.




How are you feeling?


Much better. The pain's all gone. The legs are a little weak, but they feel pretty good.


Your legs should strengthen in a day or two.


How did you do it? How did you heal my broken legs so fast?


The crystals hold great power. Once you know how to harness and manipulate their vast energy, you can do many things.


The other crystal . . .


The crystals hold an undefined power. In our hands it may be a constructive or destructive power—a healing or a killing power.


The other one with a mask . . .


. . . is Aleyna, my sister. She has had a hard and difficult life that has distorted her personality as much as it has distorted her face. I have seen an evil grow within her, and it saddens me.


She tried to kill me.


But she didn't.


I bet because you stopped her.


Yes, I stopped her.




What she was doing was wrong. Please don't stare at me like that. You have no idea how it torments me.


Why? What's the matter with your face? Why do you wear the mask?


Can you only see the mask? Can you see nothing else?


Do you have a birth defect, or were you in an accident or something?


Do not ask about the mask. We may discuss whatever you like, but not the mask.


What's your name again?


I am Elsa Passell.


How did you come to this place?


I have always been here with my sister. I have been nowhere else.


Miss Passel.. ah, I mean… Elsa—about that promise I made. I was in a great deal of pain and would have promised anything. You understand, don't you? You really don't expect me to stay down here with you, do you? I have a life on the other place. I have my family.


Your family will grieve for a while, thinking you have perished in a climbing accident, but their mourning will ease in time.


But I haven't perished. I'm alive.


You promised to stay with me.


I know I promised, but I made that promise under duress. Surely you can't hold me to it. Be reasonable.


Yes, I didn't expect you to keep your promise—I only hoped you would. It's so lonely down here. I have Sister, but . . . When I saw you, I thought I might finally have a friend to talk to.


Why not come back to my place with me?


I couldn't possibly.


Why not?





The mask! And sister.

When you're stronger, I'll show you the way out of here. Until then, I'll try not to trouble you further.


Passell, what's wrong?


I am wrong—no more than that. I am wrong.


You have hurt my sister.


I'm sorry.


You're sorry? Is that all you can be? Simply sorry? I should have killed you last night when I had the chance. Then my sister wouldn't know this heartache.


She wanted me to stay down here with her in this godforsaken place. How could I do that?


You can't stay because you're repulsed by our faces, aren't you?


It's all of this—and the faces. What are you hiding? Are you so ugly it takes a mask to make you presentable?


You are a cruel and heartless man.


No, I'm not—I'm honestly not. It's just that all of this is so bizarre and unreal. How can I believe any of it is actually happening? For all I know I'm hallucinating—delirious from the fall.


Well, if you're hallucinating, you won't feel this.


Ryan, you're alive!




What did you do that for? Are you crazy?


I thought she was going to—I don't know—there was this screaming—then there's these stories and she comes rushing in. I thought ...


Sister, I’m sorry, I can’t be with you forever, Go back to our real life and be a good girl as Aleyna…


No, No, No… What have I done? You were my only family, my only one sister. I lived for you. Everything I did was for you. What do I do now?


I'm sorry. I didn't mean for her to ...


Go away. Leave us alone.


This will end my pain.


Come along, Ryan. We need to get you to a hospital. We'll inform the authorities of this once we're up top again.


It's all a terrible nightmare.


Ryan, it's all right now. You can tell us all about it once you've regained your strength.


Here, I know a quick way to the surface. I'll show you out.


Who are you?


I'm Devon. I work as a miner in the quarry of Passel Family. I brought food to Elsa and Aleyna. Elsa asked me to follow her and show that guy out.


Please take us there. Ryan needs to see a doctor.



That won't be necessary. I'm a little weak, but I feel fine—well, as fine as I can be under the circumstance.


Do you think they'll arrest me? It was an accident.


Oh, shut up, Jennings.


Wait a minute.

She's beautiful. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Why did she wear the mask? Why did she deceive me?


She asked me to give you this letter.

Dear Ryan,
Sorry to make you afraid of me. I just do not know express how happy I am to see you. Looks like my heart beating so fast, probably because I like you, but like I said to you before, so lonely down here because I do not have any friends, My sister is the only one I have, that’s why I cannot go with you ... go to your world… Yes ... Ryan, out there, that's your world, not my world. My world is here, with my sister. She is always watching me over all this time. I also want you to forgive my sister. Actually she is not evil as people think. She just wants to take care of me the way she is. She's been through so much, Ryan. Our parents died in front of her eyes, they killed, even our homes are destroyed. It happened when I was 7 years old and Aleyna, 12 years old. What can be done by two little girls like us? We just kept running accompanied by Devon, one of my father's workers. Until we finally found this place, and since then ... this is my world, Ryan. The world in which I will be there until the end, and you do not belong here .
When you read this letter, I'm sure you've got your beautiful world. Do not remember me anymore, and do not ever come back to this place. Thank you, because you have come into my life. For the first and last time, I want to tell you that .. I love you, Ryan .

Let's get out of here. I think I'm going to be sick.
Ryan, please, let's go. There's nothing more we can do here. You'll feel better once we're back home.
What was I so afraid of? What scared me to death when I didn't even know what was under the mask?


Sometimes the real horror lies within our own imaginations. The monsters we make up in our dreams can be much more fierce and hideous than anything the universe might ever conceive. Come on, Ryan, it's over.


That's what her sister said. Go on, I'll be along in a minute.


But Ryan . . .


Go on now and leave me alone.


She's dead, Ryan.


And you're insensitive. Get out of here!

I wish this could work for you . . . . Powers of the crystals, bring this innocent woman back to life!

Oh, Elsa! I didn't know what I had. I'm sorry.





The Original Story from "The Phantom of Crystal Chasm"